This time (more or less) next week will see the launch of a Freq channel on Repeater Radio. UPDATE: The whole thing will be repeated from noon GMT on Sunday 26 December 2021; see below for times. We’re launching with a of the winter solstice, from 12:00 to 03:00 (GMT). There will be all manner of participants, many offering up live and indirect sessions – where the music […]
Thomas Dimuzio
Erototox Decodings Thomas Dimuzio‘s love of the Buchla synhtesiser is well known and here, on the precursor to Sutro Transmissions, we find his initial forays into that universe, that limitless dimension that means every release is a new journey or a new series of travels into the unknown.
Yew As a child, I had an image of how the future was going to look and I have to confess that forty-odd years later, I am pretty disappointed. Everything seems to be smaller, more compact, less shiny and interesting and space is almost ignored. The sounds on Losing Circles that Thomas Dimuzio and partner in sound, Double Leopards‘ Marcia Bassett, conjure up are exactly how I imagined […]
Gench Thomas Dimuzio‘s presence in the alternative noise underground over the past thirty years or so is something that is hard to overlook. The ranks of artists with whom he has collaborated and the slew of labels on which his work has appeared are almost endless. The latest two releases from Thomas attempt to give a taster of just how varied and far-reaching his body of work is […]
Resipiscent I can’t believe Thomas Dimuzio has been producing sound for over thirty years and is still finding ways of taking the listener on sonic journeys; they are not always comfortable, but are invigorating and filled with new modes of expression. Perhaps that is the beauty of modular synth work; the possibilities are endless and one could be making soundscapes from now until the end of days and […]
San Francisco residents Thomas Dimuzio, Tom Djll and Gino Robair are three leading lights in the world of improvisation and modular synthesis. All have been active on the ever-bountiful Bay Area experimental music scene for many years, and are interviewed below about their individual contributions to the Modulisme sessions organised by Philippe Petit. Their answers reveal the many and varied approaches, options and possibilities that the form offers […]
Substantia Innominata Lovingly presented as two clear 10” vinyl records wrapped up in Mars Wellink‘s artwork which graces the gatefold sleeve in suitably transcendantly minimal style, Amid Zero Echo swells up and into four sides of the most immensely practised drones imaginable. On this occasion, Thomas Dimuzio uses ultimately unrecognisable guitar-derived sounds as the base source material through which to seemingly condense the entirety of the cosmos into […]