Buried Treasure For Buried Treasure‘s eighth anniversary, head honcho and all around good guy Alan Gubby has corralled a veritable feast of artists and fellow travellers to lay down some tracks in celebration of what must be one of the most eclectic rosters around. Octocorallia is a veritable smorgasbord of sound that moves from slow burn ambience to more dancefloor-friendly energy grabbers while meandering through overlooked and , […]
2 posts
Buried Treasure Delaware Road supremo and all around electronic whiz Alan Gubby has been producing pieces under the pseudonym of Zyklus for the best part of forty years, which is an incredible feat, let alone all the other pseudonyms and collaborations. ‘ Stimulacra compiles twenty-three tracks from Zyklus’s oeuvre dating from 1983 to 2006, some of them perfect incidental snippets at under a minute and others looming far […]