Birmingham 30 August – 1 September 2024 Being comprehensive with festival reviews is always a nightmare, so apologies upfront for those I missed. I’d like to blame part of that on the venues being just a smidge further away from each other that I’d like, and one of them being an O2 (and therefore a faff). Not to downplay the festival — lots of good work gone into […]
Daily archives: 03/09/2024
3 posts
This third album from Ghostwriter, the shapeshifting collaborative project of Mark Brend (formerly of Fariña, The Palace Of Light and Mabel Joy), has been a long time coming. With work in progress preview segments having appeared online over the last few years, whilst a suitably supportive label home was sought, Tremulant has manifestly been a labour and a love to deliver to a niche section of the world at large.
Utilising an unusual collection of instruments including a hand-made French form of hurdy-gurdy called a boîte à bourdon, each construction is unique, mixing Pierre-Antoine Despatures's double bass with the scattered guitar of Benjamin Garson and the clarinet and sax of main protagonist Clémentine Ristord.