Coming to Repeater Radio on 21 December 2022 from 11:00 GMT / UTC will be a rewind and more of the Live and Indirect Sessions co-curated by Freq and Drift of Signifieds so far this year, plus a few extras such as ekslusive Ekoclef and Ekoplekz live sets too. Discord link for the lounge. Schedule (may be altered at the last minute!): Time Artist Session 11:00:00 DJ Rottenmeats Mix 1 […]
This time (more or less) next week will see the launch of a Freq channel on Repeater Radio. UPDATE: The whole thing will be repeated from noon GMT on Sunday 26 December 2021; see below for times. We’re launching with a of the winter solstice, from 12:00 to 03:00 (GMT). There will be all manner of participants, many offering up live and indirect sessions – where the music […]
Newhaven Fort, East Sussex 3 September 2016 It sounded like bedlam from the car park, quickly replaced by some deranged Frenchman chucking stuff around the parade ground, his shouts and clattering, laptop-captured from the fortifications and spurted back in jabbering cut-ups. Welcome to Fort Process part deux, spun off in blaring megaphone, smashed metal, .
LF Wow! Take in that space. It’s practically a whisper for the first minute … Hákarl’s violin glowing like some gipsy succubus in the headphones… tugging the emotions as Daniel Hignell‘s electronics flitter the periphery, hugging those violin strokes in a dance of vaporous tastes. Vignettes of sensation, like a creeping doppelganger to that lichen-needled concrete. Six minutes in, its leisurely unfolding into a beat driven penance with […]